
Our expert pool of Java professionals coupled with its global delivery capabilities ensure that projects are delivered on time, meeting client’s requirements in all compliance. Vcaastech has carved a niche in the domain of delivering customer-centric range of reliable, secure and business oriented Java development services for enterprises and elite organizations.

Our Area of Expertise

Web Technologies and Frameworks Groovy, Grails, Java Server Faces, Spring, Struts, EJB, Servlet, JSP, XML, XSL, Web Services, Tiles, Velocity, CSS, AJAX, JavaBean, HTML/DHTML/XHTML, Javascript, XML Binding API
Presentation Layer Struts, HTML, Servlet, JSP, JSF, Spring MVC, JQuery, Dojo, YUI, Swings, Applet
Database MSSQL 2000/2005, Oracle 9i, 10, 11i, MySQL 5.0, PostgreSQL, MongoDB
Build Tools ANT, Cruise Control, Maven, Hudson (Now Jenkins)
IDEs Eclipse IDE, Net beans, IntelliJ
Object Relation Mapping Hibernate, Java Data Objects, JPSA
Testing and Debugging Junit, Jmeter, JMock, EasyMock
Jobs Quarts, Cron
Software Engineering Core Design patterns, J2EE Design patterns, UML, SCRUM, OOAD, Agile
Application Servers Tomcat, BEA WebLogic Server, WebSphere Application Server, Jboss Application Server
Profiling JProfiler
Messaging JMS, MQSeries